Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How to get really Quick and Easy Text Effect in GIMP

Hi Everyone, In this video I'm gonna show you How to get text effect in most quickest way possible in GIMP

GIMP is an free Alternative for Photoshop. Hence you can try this same method in Photoshop as well.

1. Open GIMP
2. Drag and Drop the Subject Image
3. Remove Background
4. Add a Black Background Layer
5. Move Background Layer below the Subject Layer
6. Duplicate the Background layer and Move above the Subject layer
7. Hide the Top Layer and make the Subject Layer Active
8. Grab Text Tool
9. Click and Drag the Text Box to fill the Complete Canvas
10. Select the Impact Condensed Font or any other your favorite fonts
11. Make sure your font size is small
12. Change the Font Color to White
13. Make the gap between the line = -3
Make the gap between the letters = -2
14. Now Write Down the Text inside the Text Box until it is completely filled
15. Now hide the Text layer
16. Make the Subject Layer Active and Desaturate it
17. Increase the Contrast of the Image using Levels
18. Now Make the Top Layer Visible
19. Make the Text Layer Active and do Alpha to Selection on that layer
20. Make the Top Layer Active and Press Delete on your Keyboard
21. Select None

That's it. Thanks for Watching
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